BRONCHITOL® (mannitol) inhalation powder may be appropriate for these potential patients*

Lauren is a 25-year-old graduate student*
Lauren was diagnosed with CF during her childhood. She recently accepted a job where she works from home full-time. With classes and her new job, Lauren is still getting used to her new routine. She is open to exploring treatment options.
Medical history
- BMI: 23
- FEV1: 70% of predicted
Current CF care plan
- Prescribed 7 medications
- Spends approximately 3 hours administering medications daily
Current lifestyle
- Lauren works from home full-time during the day and takes graduate school classes at night
- Open to other treatment options
Not an actual patient. Patient symptoms will vary; individual evaluation should be done to
determine best course of therapy.Michael is a 42-year-old professional*
Michael has been managing his CF independently for over 20 years and was recently promoted at work. His new job has opened an exciting new chapter for him but comes with
additional responsibilities. He is open to exploring treatment options.Medical history
- BMI: 21
- FEV1: 75% of predicted
Current CF care plan
- Prescribed 6 medications
- Spends approximately 2 hours administering medications daily
Current lifestyle
- Michael works full-time in an office
- Open to other treatment options
Not an actual patient. Patient symptoms will vary; individual evaluation should be
done to determine best course of therapy.
Simon is a 20-year-old college student*
Simon was diagnosed with CF at birth. He is 20 years old and recently started a part-time job while attending college full-time. He also recently moved out of his parents' home and is managing his CF on his own for the first time. He is open to exploring treatment options.
Medical history
- BMI: 20
- FEV1: 80% of predicted
Current CF care plan
- Prescribed 6 medications
- Spends approximately 2 hours administering medications daily
Current lifestyle
- Simon is a full-time college student with a part-time job. Most of his days are spent on campus
- Open to other treatment options
Not an actual patient. Patient symptoms will vary; individual evaluation should be done to
determine best course of therapy.Justin is a 19-year-old college student*
Diagnosed with CF from childhood and has previously
been fairly adherent to his CF care plan. After moving into his fraternity house, he became busier with school and social events. He is interested in exploring other treatment options.Medical history
- BMI: 22.3
- FEV1: 80% of predicted
Current CF care plan
- Prescribed 6 medications including an inhaled antibiotic, dornase alfa, PERT, and CFTR modulator
- Spends approximately 2 hours administering medications daily
Current lifestyle
- Has a tendency to be rushed in the morning before class
- Open to trying new treatments
PERT=pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy.
Not an actual patient. Patient symptoms will vary; individual evaluation should be
done to determine best course of therapy.Important Safety Information
BRONCHITOL can cause bronchospasm, which can be severe in susceptible patients. Because of the risk of bronchospasm, prior to prescribing BRONCHITOL, patients must pass the BRONCHITOL Tolerance Test (BTT). The BTT must be administered under the supervision of a healthcare practitioner who can treat severe bronchospasm.
Please see Full Prescribing Information.

Meghan is a 35-year-old mom*
Meghan has effectively managed her CF throughout her life. Recently, she has had less time to manage her CF due to her children's increasingly busy schedules. She is exploring other treatment options that may fit her schedule.
Medical history
- BMI: 20.6
- FEV1: 75% of predicted
Current CF care plan
- Prescribed 7 medications including an inhaled antibiotic, dornase alfa, and CFTR modulator
- Spends approximately 1.5 hours administering medications daily
Current lifestyle
- Spends most of the day out of the house with her children
- Open to trying treatments that can be taken in the morning and evening
Not an actual patient. Patient symptoms will vary; individual evaluation should be done to
determine best course of therapy.
How to administer BRONCHITOL
Learn more about dosing and administration
BRONCHITOL is not intended to be used as a rescue medication. Inhaler and blister pack are not actual size and are for representation only. Use an inhaled bronchodilator 5–15 minutes before taking BRONCHITOL.
Important Safety
InformationBRONCHITOL is contraindicated in patients with hypersensitivity to mannitol or to any of the capsule components. BRONCHITOL is contraindicated in patients who fail to pass the BRONCHITOL Tolerance Test (BTT).
BRONCHITOL can cause bronchospasm, which can be severe in susceptible patients. Because of the risk of bronchospasm, prior to prescribing BRONCHITOL, patients must pass the BRONCHITOL Tolerance Test (BTT). The BTT must be administered under the supervision of a healthcare practitioner who can treat severe bronchospasm.
Patients who pass the BRONCHITOL tolerance test (BTT) may experience bronchospasm with add-on maintenance therapy with BRONCHITOL. Patients should premedicate with an inhaled short-acting bronchodilator prior to each administration of BRONCHITOL. If bronchospasm occurs, immediately discontinue BRONCHITOL and treat bronchospasm with an inhaled short-acting bronchodilator.
Hemoptysis can occur with BRONCHITOL use. Monitor patients with history of episodes of hemoptysis. If hemoptysis occurs, discontinue use of BRONCHITOL.
Most common adverse reactions (≥3%) include cough, hemoptysis, oropharyngeal pain, vomiting, bacteria sputum identified, pyrexia, and arthralgia.
BRONCHITOL® (mannitol) inhalation powder is a sugar alcohol indicated as add-on maintenance therapy to improve pulmonary function in adult patients 18 years of age and older with cystic fibrosis. Use BRONCHITOL only in adults who have passed the BRONCHITOL Tolerance Test.